You know, there is something to be said about great customer service and proper etiquette. On tax day (I know my first mistake!), I went to pick up a package at the post office. I was standing in a long line for something that would have taken all of 5 minutes to pick up. So there was this lady who worked at the post office, so I asked her if she could get my package. She told me "no, and that I needed to stand back in line." So, I get back in line and it is almost my turn. I am the next person to be called, when the lady comes back and tells me she can get my package. She goes to get the package and then helps this other lady that is in front of me. Well, I was annoyed because she called me over to the counter and she wasn't even ready to help me. She was helping someone else. So I wasted even more time. Finally, the lady was ready to help me and she just slammed my package on the desk. I was thinking "hello! that is fragile!" So, I'm like geesh, whatever happened to good customer service?
I would also like to say that proper etiquette has gone out of the window too! The other day at school, I was sitting and enjoying my lunch, when all of a sudden this girl comes and sits down. I was annoyed because she did not ask if the seats were taken. Also, she just assumed it was okay. I'm like WTH! Granted, no one was joining me, but still, she should have asked. Luckily, her friend asked, was it okay to join me. His girlfriend told him, "well aren't you the polite one." UGH! Such awful manners.
So the reason that I posted these because I'm so sick of people without proper etiquette. Please allow a pregnant woman to sit on the train. If someone is holding something in their hands, please open the door for them. When someone, opens the door for you, remember to say "Thank You!" I mean these are common courteous acts. Also, if you work with people, remember to have great customer service skills. In the long run, proper manners and custom service will pay off!